Learn Hebrew Tips

Learn Hebrew Online

If you are interested in learning Hebrew there are now many ways in which you can access courses and […]

Ways to Learn Hebrew

There are many ways to learn Hebrew and for many people it’s all about flexibility, convenience and enjoyment. The […]

Learn Hebrew FAQs

Jewish Meditation

The Three Faculties of Jewish Meditation behind the Understanding of Torah In Hebrew, Jewish Meditation is called hitbonenut or […]

Benefits of Learning Hebrew

The main benefit of learning a second language is that of being able to communicate with others in their […]

Why Learn Hebrew

Hebrew is the language of the Bible and often deemed as sacred but this is not the only reason […]

Practical Hebrew

Learning Hebrew Info

Word Study Yom

The Hebrew word for “day” is the word “Yom“. Young earth creationists have always argued that the word used for the days of creation can only mean a 24-hour day. In this article, we will examine the uses of Yom in the Old Testament, and show that it can mean a wide variety of time periods. First, one must understand that the Hebrew language is not nearly is diverse as our English language. Whereas we have millions of words, the Hebrew source for the Old Testament only […]

Meet the Israelis

They speak Hebrew which is a peculiar, throaty language that takes ages to learn. Once you take hold of of basic communication you’ll find out that they typically only talk about money and food anyway. Although they can appear rude, at heart they’re very kind and friendly. Israelis are tribal so if you’re on the outside they seem quite unfriendly. But once you’re their friend they’ll invite you to come and stay or go on trips around the country. People will talk to you in the street. […]

Foreign Language Programs in Training

Foreign language programs in training open the doors to learning English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese and so on. Many online sources are available, which can offer you connections to foreign language training. Some of the training guides offered will help you to learn Spanish or Latin American. You get hundreds of hours of instructions to help you master the language. Some programs incorporate over 90 lessons for training you […]

Hebrew Made Simple

As when learning any language, learning Hebrew can and will have its challenges. Considered as a sacred language it comes from the Semitic family of languages of which its ancient form is still used in prayer and study. Learning Hebrew can be both rewarding and frustrating so choosing a learning method that offers you the simplest form of understanding is without doubt the way to go. Spending a little time researching courses and classes is beneficial as it will help you decided which is the right option […]